Eating Disorder Treatment for Teens & College Students in California

You don’t have to feel alone in this process anymore.

Online Eating Disorder Treatment for College Students & Teens in Los Angeles and California

Despite the carefully created mask you wear, you are really struggling. Your friends, peers, and parents either don’t understand when you share or you keep this discomfort to yourself so you don’t worry them. You feel yourself becoming more isolated and alone with your thoughts.

Almost everyone you know has gone on a diet or some exercise challenge and you decide to do it as well. But the whole experience shifted to being confusing and painful. While simultaneously becoming out of control & no longer providing the relief it once did.

You might not be sure when exactly you started having problems with body image, food, or exercise, but you’re tired of the constant cycle of your eating disorder behaviors & suffering in silence has gotten old. Your family or loved ones have been worrying (a lot) and have pushed you to find more support than they can give. It’s been such a mixed bag of emotions that you’re not sure if you feel annoyed, relieved, or indifferent about this but there is a small part of you that is curious to see if maybe you can find someone who actually understands the jumble of thoughts in your head.

Alrighty, now what?

As you’ve likely already felt, being in school can be incredibly stressful and greatly impact your already dysfunctional relationship with food and your body. But that does not mean this is how life is always going to be. Through our work together, we will shine a light on any disordered behaviors you have and really examine what has been keeping you stuck. Because your life is too big to be weighted down by an eating disorder.

But Courtney, I have classes!

You’re busy, my goodness is that the truth. Being in school is a full time job, not to mention any other obligations you have to juggle. Luckily, we can meet just about anywhere through virtual sessions that can be done on your phone, tablet, or computer. Whether you live at home with family or you are in a dorm, you will still have access to the support you need, while integrating our work into your everyday life. It’s pretty awesome.

courtney fazli, eating disorder treatment california, brown hair, burgundy sweater

Let’s Talk!

You have your whole life ahead of you and your eating disorder doesn’t have to get in the way. Click the button below to see how online eating disorder treatment can have you feeling more grounded in your body and life.